
'Somebody just has to walk in and take over': Kumon Beeliar in WA is up for sale

'Somebody just has to walk in and take over': Kumon Beeliar in WA is up for saleNearly eight years ago, Krishna Sharma swapped a career in computer engineering for contributing to children’s learning through owning and operating two Kumon franchises. Now, Krishna wants to sell one of her franchises to someone who can take the reins. Krishna, franchisee of Kumon Lynwood and Kumon Beeliar Education Centres in Perth, WA, is selling Kumon Beeliar – her first Kumon franchise that she opened in 2016 – so she can focus her efforts on Kumon Lynwood. Krishna took over Kumon Lynwood in 2021. “As Beeliar is my original Kumon centre. I treat it as my baby but I feel that the workload for two centres is too much”, Krishna says. “If I sell Beeliar, I can develop Lynwood further”. Krishna says being a Kumon franchisee is a highly rewarding role. She directly impacts the lives of her students and sees how the Kumon Mathematics and English programmes develop and nurture them. “All the Kumon families are part of my community. I treat them that way”, Krishna says. “And when you’re able to help them, that's the best thing. When I look at my students and how they progress, I would say that's probably my biggest achievement”. Krishna advises that any prospective franchisee of Kumon Beeliar Education Centre should be passionate about helping others and to trust the process of the Kumon Method of Learning. Krisha says that her staff at Kumon Beeliar are well trained and that she will be present to help the new franchisee during the first three months of operation. “Somebody just has to walk in and take over”, Krishna says. **If you want to make a difference and own Kumon Beeliar Education Centre, we encourage you to attend our Information Meeting to find out more. Sign up [here](https://www.kumoninstructors.com.au/Franchise/Login) to attend a live Information Meeting in Australia or watch a recorded Information Meeting [here](https://www.kumoninstructors.com.au/Franchise/Login).** **A recruitment consultant will contact you after you join the Information Session to chat about process for Kumon franchise ownership.**